Are you tired of clutter?

You might have a little, you might have a lot – but either way you’re tired of all the clutter in your life, and sometimes you want to scream, “I want it all GONE!”

I’m Robert, and I know where you’re at. I’m a former packrat. I’ve struggled with clutter. And I’m here to offer you hope.

No matter how many decluttering strategies you’ve tried, no matter how many unsuccessful attempts you’ve made, I believe there’s still a “clean” beyond your clutter – and I want to help you find it.

Enjoy the free articles on this site. Feel free to email me with questions. And if you’re ready to get some customized help going from “cluttered” back to “clean”, drop me a line and let’s talk about how we can work together!

The Key To Decluttering

The Key To Decluttering

I read a tweet the other day that said "decluttering is as simple as picking up each item, and making one of the following choices". It linked to a blog post showing six different options for what you could do with the item. Sigh. The problem has never been that the...

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Others’ Excess Is Not Your Problem

Others’ Excess Is Not Your Problem

A reader raised a fantastic point a ways back. She has a kid, and she has family members that want to help by offering some clothes so she doesn't have to spend a bunch of money. This comment speaks perfectly to the desire to be frugal and accept the help, while not...

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Consumerism – Stepping Out Of The River

Consumerism – Stepping Out Of The River

Most people have a positively elephantine amount of possessions. All you have to do is look at the increasing size of homes and the unending construction of more and more "mini-storage" units to see that there's a problem. Now add to that the fact that there's a...

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Minimalism & Sunk Costs

Minimalism & Sunk Costs

"But I paid $1000 for that!" This is the sound of frustration, as yet another consumer (we'll call him Joe) learns a very hard, yet very valuable lesson.  Let's look at how he got here. An Illustration Joe spent $1000 on a piece of exercise equipment that takes up an...

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The Myth Of The New Year

The Myth Of The New Year

Everybody makes a big hoopla about January 1st. Parties are thrown, television specials are aired, people talk about what's past and what's to come, and they make resolutions - fantastical promises of what they're going to accomplish in the next year. Add to that the...

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Speed-Decluttering: A Low-Stress Approach

Speed-Decluttering: A Low-Stress Approach

If I were Kevin Trudeau, I'd call this post "the decluttering secret 'they' don't want you to know about".  It's simple, it's fast, and it can be done in a small portion of an evening.  Most important however, it's not covered in any of the books I've read about...

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The Myth Of The Decluttering Rockstar

The Myth Of The Decluttering Rockstar

If you've been following the blogs about minimalism, decluttering, and reducing possessions, you might have noticed something interesting - many of them talk about the importance of reducing your stuff, without discussing the methods for doing so. Some of them make it...

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When Adding Storage Increases Clutter

When Adding Storage Increases Clutter

Decluttering has gone mainstream. There are tools that help you declutter (such as totes, bins, and various nifty storage systems). There are books that teach you to declutter.  There are even entire websites devoted to the topic (like the one you're reading). And...

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Keeping A “Good List”

Keeping A “Good List”

"Never make the same mistake twice, if it can be avoided".  That's good advice, but unfortunately it relies upon you having a good memory.  One of the places where my memory just doesn't work correctly is at the grocery store. It can be hard to keep everything...

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